by Henry Mahlknecht
Google has announced changes to their search algorithms so that more relevant and up to date results appear first.
Google uses 200+ methods to rank pages, and this recent announcement regarding fresh content has HUGE implications for webmasters and marketers.

Says Google: "We completed our Caffeine web indexing system last year, which allows us to crawl and index the web for fresh content quickly on an enormous scale. Building upon the momentum from Caffeine, today we're making a significant improvement to our ranking algorithm that impacts roughly 35 percent of searches and better determines when to give you more up-to-date relevant results for these varying degrees of freshness." Google went on to add this, "Frequent updates are critically important. There are also searches for information that changes often, but isn't really a hot topic or a recurring event. For example, if you're researching the a specific product, or you're in the market for a new car and want reviews of a specific car, you probably want the most up to date information."
So here is what you need to understand from this announcement to improve your website ranking and ideally increase your sales.
1. If you don't have a blog, start one NOW.
2. Blog or post articles about recent events or hot topics that are trending to give yourself an advantage
3. Blog or post fresh new content to your site DAILY if you can, frequent updates is paramount.
4. Blog about topics or events with YOUR own key words embedded in the content.
5. Up-to-date review sites about products that have rich quality content with key words gives you an advantage in ranking.
Google is essentially telling you what their indexers and bots look for when ranking web pages. Listen to what they are telling you, take this information and start blogging, not once a month, but daily if you can. Make sure your blog is monetized to maximize your opportunities for profit and lead generation.
Want to keep on top of Google and the 200+ factors they consider for page ranking? Join the Google Webmasters' forum at
To stay up to date on Google's methods for page ranking, go to their official blog at
© Henry Mahlknecht, All rights reserved.
Sandi Hunter is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc. Worldprofit provides a number of services for the small and home-based business community including hosting, design, webconferencing, traffic, advertising, SEO, safelists, traffic exchanges, training and resources. This year Worldprofit enters their 18th year in business.
Republished with author's permission by Henry Mahlknecht Check out Fast Cash Commissions ->
Source : Submitted on November 15, 2011
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